Mobile Phones: Page 6

Science & Technology

Optimizing Your Business Website for Mobile at No Cost

New York-based bMobilized has an algorithm which will generate a version of your company's website specifically designed to fit mobile devices.

Business News

Need a New Smartphone? Keep an Eye Out for These Upcoming Devices

What we know so far about phones that are expected this year, including the Samsung Galaxy Note III, a new iPhone and more.

Business News

Could Apple's Rumored iWatch Be an iPhone Killer?

Wearable computers are the future, says one industry expert.

Science & Technology

How to Make Money From Your Business Clutter

You might have thousands of dollars in unused equipment lying around your office -- here's how to turn it into cold hard cash.

Business News

Data Issue a Possible Deal-Breaker for Google's Latest Smartphone, the Nexus 4

Some might find this an amazingly useful phone -- save for one glaring flaw.

Business News

Is Bigger Better? A Look at Samsung's Galaxy Note II

This new phone might be too large for many people -- for business or personal use.

Business News

7 Things Every Android User Should Know

Get a handle on these basics and start using your devices more efficiently.

Business News

What the Apple vs. Samsung Lawsuit Means for the Future of Smartphone Design

Samsung was ordered to pay Apple $1 billion for infringing on its patents. Will this change the way other mobile devices are made?

Science & Technology

How to Dispose of Old Devices Without Losing Data or Harming the Environment

Before you throw away your old computers and smartphones, make sure what's inside them won't harm your business -- or anyone else.

Science & Technology

3 Tips for Saving Money on Mobile Data (Infographic)

Consider this advice for keeping data charges on work smartphones and tablets as low as possible.

Science & Technology

3 Steps to Changing Mobile Service Carriers

If coverage is weak and hurting your business, consider these tips for trying to get better mobile service.


3 Tips for Choosing the Right Smartphone for Your Business

Given the wide range of phones and providers today, you need to carefully consider service quality, cost and features.

Science & Technology

Three Steps to Creating a Killer Mobile Site

With more customers accessing the web from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is more crucial than ever.

Science & Technology

Review: Toughest Smartphones for Business

Business is messy. Your mobile device should be able to handle it.

Science & Technology

Five Rules for 'Bring Your Own Device' Teams

As more employees use their personal smartphones and other tools for work, answering these questions can help determine if the risks might be worth the gain.