Payments: Page 10


Payment Start-ups Welcome RBI's Move to Store Data Within India

RBI has asked payment operators to ensure their data is stored in India only within six months


Will Bahrain-based PayTabs be able to Facilitate India's Small and Medium Merchants?

In India, PayTabs has its offices in Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai and is currently focusing to expand its market in the B2B segment


This Global Fintech Enabler Has a Strategy to Enter India's Crowded Payment Space

The Bahrain-based leading Fintech enabler is more keen on taking one city as a project

Money & Finance

How to Define What Your Time and Talent Are Actually Worth

Don't just get paid -- get paid what your time is worth.


Your Business Doesn't Have to Pay Credit Card Fees Any More and Probably Shouldn't

Legal challenges have succeeded in overturning bans on passing along the fees for credit card payments.


This is How the Government can Boost Digitalisation with Union Budget 2018-19

19% of the Indian population continues to remain unbanked, or financially excluded despite the best efforts of financial institutions


'Buy Now, Pay Later' is New to India But Fast Catching Up

Forget about credit cards, now smartphone apps offer you the privilege to pay at ease

News and Trends

India is the Largest Freelancer Market in the World, says Report

The study highlights that most Indian freelancers are under the age of 40 and are predominantly mostly men.


The Simple Way To Pay Wages When Your Staff Don't Have Bank Accounts

If you have employed casual workers over the busy season, you can pay wages even if they do not have bank accounts.


How Indian E-Commerce Industry Plans to Overcome Existing Challenges in 2018

Players will now focus on building e-commerce by enabling sellers from all available channels.

Money & Finance

Trying to Maximize Holiday Profits? A New Survey Reports on the Challenges SMBs Like Yours Face.

The most common pain point among SMB owners at year's end? Twenty-one percent said late payments.


Digitizing Payments: Kuwait's Ajar Online Gears Up To Take Its Platform To The Rest Of The GCC

As anyone in the GCC can attest, paying rent in this region can often be a strenuous task for both landlords and tenants. Ajar Online is a platform offering a seamless and hassle-free way to digitize rent payment and collection.


Is Advancement in Technology Leading to Financial Inclusion?

India has made enormous strides in payment systems, and the numbers are growing rapidly

Business News

The Future of Mobile Payments for Small Business Owners

Today, 95 percent of Americans own a cellphone and 77 percent of those are smartphones. Mobile phone users will likely climb to almost 5 billion by 2020.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

5 Trends In Cryptocurrency Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. The smart move is to start capitalizing now on the money of the future.