Performance Reviews: Page 2

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Manage Your Organization Solely Through Performance Statistics

Being able to measure productivity for every single employee -- including you -- is vital to the success of any company.


Tips to Increase Your Team's Productivity

Here are some ways to foster growth in your organization by improving interactions with your team.


How to Conduct Employee Performance Reviews That Reduce Stress

Too many leaders limit the potential of an effective assessment.

Growth Strategies

A Different Way To Think About Achieving Goals In The Workplace

Top companies use OKRs, short for 'objectives and key results', to align a team of employees to one strong goal, using key results to measure progress in achieving that objective.


4 Things Leaders Misunderstand About Performance Reviews

Workers crave feedback, but feedback loops often go wrong.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

It's Time to Reinvent Your Performance Reviews. Your Employees Will Thank You for It.

Businesses have been struggling with ineffective performance review models for decades. A strategy that works? Consider a user-centric platform.

Growing a Business

5 Tactics for Transforming Performance Reviews That Range From Ineffectual to Invaluable

Employee appraisals that improve performance are essential to reaching company goals.

Growth Strategies

How to Identify the Gaps in Performance Reviews and Solving Them

Performance reviews is not just about evaluating your employee's work, but they also give managers a huge insight into the current and future path of the organization


A Brutal Performance Review Helped Sweetgreen's CEO Manage Everything Better

Jonathan Neman shares what he learned from getting an evaluation from co-founders, employees and family.

Business News

Amazon's Program for Underperforming Employees Includes a Courtroom-Style Videoconference With a Jury of Peers

While experts agree it's innovative, they're split on whether it works.


5 Steps to an Effective Performance Evaluation System

Why we need to do away with the age-old review system

Growth Strategies

The How-To: Establishing A Performance Management System For Your Enterprise

When implemented well, it drives employee engagement in the company's overall goals, which leads to improved performance of both employees and company.


The Performance-Management Secret Only 1 in 5 Companies Knows

A survey of over 25,800 companies showed that fully 20 percent had dumped dreaded annual performance ratings.


How Reflexively Apologizing for Everything All the Time Undermines Your Career

How can you inspire confidence if you are constantly saying you're sorry for doing your job?

Growth Strategies

Why it is Important for Companies to have Periodic Employee Performance Review?

Review of employees is a great way to boost employee engagement and allay their concerns