Pharmaceuticals: Page 2

Business News

Mark Cuban Launches Online Pharmacy, Promises Lowest Prices on Lifesaving Prescriptions

An estimated 18 million U.S. adults are unable to pay for doctor-prescribed medications.

Health & Wellness

This Is Why the U.S. Needs Drug-Pricing Reform

Democrats must deliver on drug-pricing reform while they still hold the White House and Congress.

Business News

US Trade Deficit Hits Record High as Consumer Goods Imports See Sharp Rise

The Commerce Department said in an Oct. 5 statement that the trade deficit rose by 4.2 percent in August, hitting an all-time high of $73.3 billion.

News and Trends

From Johnson & Johnson To Israeli Tech Ecosystem

Earlier this year, Richard Serbin joined Canadian-Israeli pharmaceuticals company InnoCan Pharma as a consultant. Now the former Johnson & Johnson Vice President and FDA Counsel is already making a major impact: this month he was a featured speaker with InnoCan's CEO Iris Bincovich at the iCDP Conference in Boston

Growth Strategies

This Top Health-Tech Executive joins the CBD Pharma Industry and Boosts Shareholder Confidence

Since its founding in 2018, InnoCan Pharma has been capturing headlines with its research and development of smart delivery platforms and leading advisory team. Last year, InnoCan added Peter Bloch, one of the industry's foremost health-tech executives

News and Trends

InnoCan Pharma Launches Trading on OTCQB Venture Market

InnoCan Pharma has officially launched common shares trading on the OTCQB Venture Market, placing the promising pharmaceuticals company in the next stage of its strategic commercialization plan

News and Trends

What is Next for InnoCan Pharma After Strategic Advisory Board Addition

After adding Johnson & Johnson's former vice-president of corporate development and FDA counsel to its advisory board, InnoCan Pharma's future seems bright, and investors are taking notice

Business News

Amazon Pharmacy Lets You Order Prescription Meds Using an App

Use the Amazon app to get your meds without leaving home and free two-day delivery if you're a Prime subscriber.

Business News

Purdue Pharma to Plead Guilty to Multiple Federal Charges (Updated)

The OxyContin manufacturer will pay the government $225 million and own up to misleading the DEA and incentivizing doctors to write prescriptions.

Business News

Kodak Secures $765 Million Government Loan to Produce Drugs

It remains unclear exactly what potions Kodak Pharmaceuticals will be brewing.

News and Trends

[Funding Alert] Biopharma Start-Up Bugworks Raises $7.5 Mln In Fresh Financing

Founded in 2014, the company has been trying to design a completely new class of broad spectrum antibiotics that would be able to fight against increasingly drug resistant bacteria.


Kiran Mazumdar Shaw and Lessons In Entrepreneurship

In conversation with Prathibha Sastry, Shaw shared insights into her 41-year old entrepreneurial journey that started accidentally, the changing business landscape in India and how technology today is agnostic.

Business News

Young Pharma Enthusiasts Should Percolate the Power of Automation to the Industry at Large

In a conversation with Entrepreneur India, Dinesh Dua spoke about how the pharma industry can change and the opportunities that exist for entrepreneurs in India.


This CEO Upholds the Changing Face of the Indian Financial Market

Diverse Spectrum of the Indian Market: Nilesh Shah Reveals

Growth Strategies

Ayushman Bharat: Giant Leap Towards Universal Healthcare in India

The private sector will support in terms of infrastructure and manpower and the government will help in proving space and funding