Privacy Policies

Business Solutions

How to Build Trust and Transparency With Your Customers While Taking Their Data

In this article, we'll explore why businesses must prioritize customer data security and privacy when embracing innovation and provide guidance on navigating the complex landscape to mitigate inherent risks.

Business News

Elon Musk's X Is Going to Find Out Where You Work and Another Very Personal Piece of Data — Here's Why

The company, formerly known as Twitter, made some changes to its privacy policy on Thursday.

Thought Leaders

Why Data Privacy is The Key to Building Consumer Trust in Marketing

Maintaining customer data privacy is paramount for all digital marketers. Customers are vigilant about their data due to increasing data breaches, and any recklessness with customer information can be the first and final nail in your business's coffin.

Business News

This Company Will Give You a 55-Inch TV for Free — But There's an Extremely Invasive Catch

The startup's privacy policy was raising some serious red flags online.


Safeguarding Digital Identities: Why Data Privacy Should Matter To You (And Your Business)

Trust in the use of our personal data on digital platforms is more than a digital issue; it affects our broader trust in institutions and our society collectively.

Science & Technology

How to Navigate Data Privacy Regulations When Deploying Enterprise Blockchain Solutions

Four best practices for prioritizing privacy regulations so that blockchain or any other digital transformation initiatives can succeed

Social Media

What Businesses Need to Know about the Google Ad Changes for Data Privacy and Enhanced Conversions

Google is capable of collecting mountains of pertinent data, but users are increasingly concerned about their privacy.


Transparency and Data: The Struggle for Brands in 2021

You know that feeling when you're driving, and someone in the car suddenly asks to change the radio station? That's how brands feel about transparency and data.

Science & Technology

The Proactive Solution to Data Protection That Every Modern Business Should Be Using

Data has exploded over recent years, making privacy and consent more important than ever before -- both morally and legally.

News and Trends

Here're Some Reasons To Ditch WhatsApp and Move Your Communications Elsewhere

Some security lapses and information retrieval from the privacy of WhatsApp chats recentlybecame the big concern that has forced users to consider the shift. Know where and how to shift your data

News and Trends

Govt Hits Back At WhatsApp, Says No Intention To Violate Right To Privacy

The government highlighted that any operations run in India are subject to the law of land and WhatsApp's refusal to comply with the guidelines is a "clear act of defiance of a measure whose intent can certainly not be doubted"


WhatsApp To Go Ahead With Its Privacy Policy Update; Will Provide More Information On Update To Users

In a blog post, the company said that the app will remind people to review and accept these updates to continue using WhatsApp


How To Prevent Business Emails From Being Hacked?

It is reported that business email compromise scams have cost businesses more than $26 billion since mid-2016

News and Trends

Ayushman Bharat Scheme - Pros and Cons for the Private Hospitals

The PPP model helps to address many of the challenges faced by private healthcare providers who want to set up new facilities

News and Trends

4 Ways Through Which Google is Planning To Improve Your Online Privacy And Security

US-based search giant, Google recently announced a few updates to its improve user privacy