Public Speaking


Steve Jobs' 3 Public Speaking Power Moves Remain Just as Relevant Today, 13 Years After His Final Keynote at the Apple Developers Conference

The co-founder and former CEO of Apple knew how to get big ideas across to consumers and investors.


5 Steps to Preparing an Engaging Industry Presentation

You can make a great impression and generate interest with an exciting, informative presentation. Find out my five secrets to creating an industry presentation guaranteed to wow.

Starting a Business

From Walking Papers to Walking Tours: How I Went From Getting Laid Off to Loving My Historical Bar Crawl Business

My deep love of history and booze finally collided in a side hustle that keeps my legs (and drinking arm) extremely active.


6 In-Person Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, networking isn't optional – it's part of your job. Here are some tips to help you make more meaningful connections.


If You Want to be Successful, Become a Better Speaker — Follow This 7-Step Process for Effective Speaking

Discover the transformative power of mastering presentation skills with this 7-step process.


6 Ways to Make Great Money As a Keynote Speaker

The best keynote speakers make thousands of dollars for every speech — and perhaps you can join their ranks!


Want to Give a Great Speech? Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Before an important speech, we must always ask ourselves what success looks like at the end of our talk. Is it simply presenting facts and not forgetting anything we planned to say or leaving people transformed forever by our words?


Why Most People Fail at Giving Presentations — and How to Make Your Next One Successful

Here's what I learned guest lecturing at Stanford: You can become a better presenter by following the "Two Points per Hour Rule."

Growing a Business

Master the Stage — 7 Proven Ways to Stand Out As a Public Speaker

How to rise above within a saturated industry and have your voice be heard.


Introverts Who Use This Secret Weapon Can Be More Powerful Than Extroverts in the Workplace

Less extroverted colleagues are often misunderstood and underestimated — but their talent for one thing in particular sets them up for success.

Growing a Business

Want to Sound Smarter? This Stanford Professor's Simple 3-Point Technique Will Help

With a little structure, you can impress audiences with your ad-libbing all day.


3 Tactics for Improving a Difficult Workplace Relationship

Did you get off on the wrong foot with a coworker? Here's how to start over and improve those difficult work relationships.


9 Things You Can Do to Get Introverts to Like You More In The Workplace

If you are in a leadership position, use these tactics to get the most out of your introverted colleagues.


Communication Tips 7 Entrepreneurs and Leaders Wish They'd Known in Their Early 20s

We asked our network what communication skills they wished they had known earlier in their careers, and this is what they had to say.