Rejection: Page 4

Thought Leaders

10 People Who Became Wildly Successful After Facing Rejection

Maybe failing isn't always such a bad thing, as these well-known individuals prove.

Social Media

5 Ways to Navigate Clients' Gift Restrictions

Show your clients some love -- without breaking the rules. You'll come out a winner.

Growing a Business

Mike Rowe Just Gave a Fan Some Stellar Advice About Dealing With Rejection

Rowe, the host of 'Dirty Jobs,' revealed he was in the final running to become host of Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show' before losing out -- not once, but twice -- to Craig Kilborn and then Jon Stewart.

Business News

Food Network Star Ina Garten on the Power of Saying 'No'

'No' is a complete sentence, but it can take many people decades to learn how to say it.


The Most Important Lesson I Learned During My First Year as CEO and Entrepreneur

Developing this one skill can help your startup become successful.

Thought Leaders

Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran: Real Winners Say 'Hit Me Again'

The real-estate mogul and startup investor knows how to fail -- and she's not afraid to do it.


5 Things Entrepreneurs Caught in Comparisons Should Remember

When you're a newbie business owner feeling intimidated by the competition, remember these essential truths.


Make Rejection Work for You

Tough criticism can drive positive change. Just open yourself up and listen. The sting of failure can power you to try a new path.

Growing a Business

What to Do When a Prospect Is Blowing You Off

If we're going to succeed as entrepreneurs, it's essential to figure out what's going on, address her concerns and either make a deal or cut your losses.

Business News

How One Woman Got Past the No's and Landed VC Funding

Female entrepreneurs, take note.

Growing a Business

What Dating a Model Taught Me About Chasing Opportunities

If you let yourself be intimidated, you will be just like all the others who are scared to take risks.

Business Process

How to Decode What the Prospect Meant by 'No Money'

The most polite way to decline a sales pitch is to blame the budget. Often, however, that is not an insurmountable barrier.

Money & Finance

7 Ways to Shift Your Perspective About the Dreaded 'No' in Sales

Overcome the uncomfortable and awkward moment of a rejection from a client.

Thought Leaders

How Entrepreneurs Can Cope With Rejection Online

With our digitally connected world, a failure or misstep can be noted on the Internet and telegraphed instantly in a dramatic fashion. Here's what to do.

Starting a Business

Failure Is Part of the Game. Getting Back Up Is the Magic Sauce. (Motiongraphic)

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you are going to have to be able to handle rejection. Probably more than you think.