Remote Workforce: Page 3


We Have A Predicament: Productivity Is At An All-Time Low — And It's Because We're Failing Employees In 2 Ways.

Labor productivity growth at a historically low rate — and this phenomenon isn't localized to the U.S. The U.K. and Canada have seen the weakest annual growth since 2013, and Australia has witnessed its "biggest fall in labor productivity on record." Here's why.


Our Brains Will Never Be The Same Again After Remote Work. Forcing Your Employees To Readapt to The Office Is Not The Answer.

The shift to remote work during the pandemic has not only changed our daily routines but also had profound effects on our brains and made us more susceptible to distractions when we return to the traditional office environment.


4 Attributes To Look For When Hiring Remote Workers

While adoption rates vary by country, industry and company size, the remote working trend continues to gather momentum as more employees demand flexible working arrangements and many organizations recognize the potential benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced overhead costs and access to a larger talent pool.

Resumes & Interviewing

Business Should Be Shaken, Not Stirred — Why Top Talent Can Be Found in the Most Unlikely Places

Bartenders can bring healthy experiential diversity that energizes a company.


Employers: The Burden of Going Back Into The Office Is Not as Bad as You Think — It's Worse.

Leaders falsely perceive employee wellbeing to be already high and believe the burden of going to the office will be not that bad in this broader context. This disconnect between perception and reality is what I call the "Wellbeing Paradox."


4 Crucial Ways to Revamp Your Remote Sales

As you transition your sales force to a remote environment, remember the importance of fostering a culture of growth and learning.


Remote or In-Person? It Doesn't Matter — Why Building the Best Team Matters More Than Location

Build the most effective team possible, and if you have an opportunity to get a stronger candidate who is remote, do it.


5 Reasons Why Remote Startups Attract Better Talent

Here's how startups can benefit from going remote.

Growing a Business

Junior Staff Are Struggling to Adjust to Flexible Schedules, But Forced In-Office Mandates Are Not The Answer — This Is.

To solve the challenge of integrating junior staff in a hybrid model requires a structured mentoring program, not forced in-office mandates


Hybrid Work is No Longer a Precaution — It's Undeniably Beneficial for Business Success. Here's Why

The world has changed and has moved on — and it won't wait for old-school business leaders to catch up.


3 Inclusive Workplace Practices For Your Remote Team

In today's interconnected world, organizations often face the challenge of managing multicultural and geographically dispersed teams. Here are some tips on how to encourage inclusion.

News and Trends

Future of business success in this digital age is adopting a distributed workforce model

Increasingly, businesses are embracing a distributed team model as a modern means for workforce development. Distributed workforces are teams with people in multiple locations and often, multiple countries.


3 Ways Work-From-Anywhere is Redefining Travel

Three trends to thrive in the newly-created "bleisure" travel segment.

Business News

Google Wants Employees Back in the Office, Considering 'Attendance' in Performance Reviews

In an email, a Google executive reportedly told employees that many new features and products unveiled during Google's developer conference last month were "conceived, developed, and built by teams working side by side."


The Return to Office Movement is Causing a Mental Health Crisis. Employers Are Part of The Problem — But They Can Be Part of The Solution.

Employee mental health substantially worsened with the return to office demands, and it's causing disengagement and low morale. The solution demanded by employees is the answer.