Samsung: Page 8

Science & Technology

5 Interesting Things to Come Out of Mobile World Congress 2017

The annual event features more than shiny new smartphones.

Business News

Why Everyone Is So Excited About Samsung's Galaxy S8

Samsung's Galaxy S8 will be one of this year's hottest phones. Here's everything we know so far.

Business News

BlackBerry's Smartphone Market Share Has Reached 0 Percent

The creator of the iconic "CrackBerry" has fallen far behind its competitors.

Business News

Samsung Blames Bad Batteries for Galaxy Note 7 Disaster

The first battery was faulty, but so was its replacement.


Geared Up: Samsung Improves Gear Smartwatch

Samsung's revised Gear S3 smartwatch extends the features of its predecessors with a twist of something new.

Business News

Samsung Introduces Voice-Controlled Robot Vacuum

When paired with an Amazon Echo, you can control the POWERbot VR7000 using voice commands.

Business News

Samsung Will Issue an Update to Disable All Galaxy Note 7 Handsets in the U.S.

Verizon will not roll out Samsung's update, but AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile will.

Business News

Samsung Galaxy S8 Rumored to Ditch Headphone Jack

The 3.5mm port's slow death marches on.

Business News

Apple Loses to Samsung in Supreme Court Smartphone Fight

Design patent cases very rarely reach the Supreme Court. It had not heard such a case in more than 120 years.

Business News

Samsung Might Soon Be Splitting in Two

On Tuesday, Samsung will disclose plans to boost shareholder value.

Business News

The Galaxy Note 7 Recall Didn't Damage Samsung's Brand in the U.S.

A recent survey revealed that people are still willing to purchase Samsung products after its global scandal of exploding phones.

Business News

Samsung to Buy Car Tech Firm Harman for $8 Billion in South Korea's Biggest Overseas Deal

The electronics giant previously shunned big acquisitions, and the latest deal underscores a strategic shift as the company tries to break into the high-barrier automotive industry where it has little track record.

Business News

Samsung Recalls 2.8 Million Washing Machines in U.S. Over Injury Risk

The recall involves 34 models of top-load washing machines made between March 2011 and November 2016 and costing $450 to $1,500.

Business News

Samsung Is Looking at Ways to Limit the Environmental Impact of the Note 7 Recall

The remarks come after environmental group Greenpeace issued a statement earlier this week demanding the world's top smartphone maker find a way to reuse rare materials in the discontinued smartphones that Samsung is taking back.

Business News

Samsung CEO: 'We Have a Long History of Overcoming Crises'

'Let us use this crisis as a chance to make another leap by re-examining and thoroughly improving how we work, how we think about innovation and our perspective of our customers.'