
Business News

U.S. Surgeon General Says It's Time to Put a Warning Sign on Social Media

The label would act as a reminder that social media has health consequences.


So, TikTok is Getting Banned. What's Next?

While the prospect of a TikTok ban poses significant challenges, it also opens doors for alternative platforms to thrive.


Mark Zuckerberg les pidió a los ingenieros de Meta que "averiguaran" las protecciones de privacidad de Snapchat: "No tenemos análisis sobre ellos"

Documentos judiciales recientemente revelados detallan el "Proyecto Ghostbusters", el proyecto de Meta para eludir el cifrado de extremo a extremo de Snapchat e interceptar datos.

Business News

Mark Zuckerberg Told Meta Engineers to 'Figure Out' Snapchat's Privacy Protections: 'We Have No Analytics on Them'

Recently unsealed court documents detail "Project Ghostbusters," Meta's project to work around Snapchat's end-to-end encryption to intercept data.


Mark Zuckerberg se disculpa con las familias perjudicadas por las redes sociales tras ser cuestionado durante una audiencia en el Congreso

El CEO de Meta expresó su arrepentimiento a las familias afectadas por las redes sociales durante una audiencia celebrada el día de ayer en el Senado de los Estados Unidos.

Business News

Evan Spiegel Proclaims 'Social Media Is Dead,' and Predicts Snap Is About to 'Transcend' the Smartphone, While Lashing Out at Rivals

"Social Media is Dead. Long Live Snapchat!" Snap's CEO wrote in the title of a leaked memo.


X, la red social, está teniendo problemas para atraer usuarios, pero otra plataforma que alguna vez fue querida está experimentando un inesperado regreso

Los ejecutivos de agencias dicen que las marcas que han regresado a X no están gastando tanto en publicidad.

Business News

Social Media App X Is Struggling to Attract Users — But Another Once-Beloved Platform Is Making an Unexpected Comeback

Agency executives say brands that have returned to X aren't spending as much on advertising.

News and Trends

3 Lesser Known Facts About Snapchat's New Indian MD Pulkit Trivedi

Snap Inc, the parent company of messaging app Snapchat, announced that it has appointed Google executive Pulkit Trivedi as its India managing director. The appointment comes at a time when the company is looking to double down on efforts to monetise its offerings in the country.

Business News

Instagram Is Reportedly Working on an AI Chatbot With Dozens of Personality Options

A leaked tweet revealed a screenshot of the alleged feature, stating the chatbot will be able to "answer questions and give advice."

Business News

Snapchat Is Joining the AI Revolution. Here's What You Need to Know About Snapchat's 'My AI'

After introducing My AI to only Snapchat+ subscribers in February, the AI-powered chatbot has sent 2 million messages per day.

Business News

Here's Why Snap Stock Can Double in 2023

Social media platform Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP) stock has fallen to pandemic lows as it collapsed (-77%) in 2022. The fallout from advertisers pulling


La caída de las tecnológicas: empresas recurren a despidos masivos para sobrevivir

Gigantes como HP, Amazon, Twitter y Meta han tenido que prescindir de miles de empleados para sobrevivir a la crisis económica.


Gas, la popular app que sirve para elevar la autoestima

La aplicación Gas ha superado en descargas a gigantes de las redes sociales, como TikTok y BeReal.

Business News

Snap's Massive Layoffs Aren't Going Smoothly, According to a New Report

The company laid off almost 20 percent of its workforce.