Speaking: Page 4


10 Strategies to Prepare for Speaking Engagements

Prepare carefully for your speech but, remember, everyone is there to see you. Let your personality show.

Thought Leaders

3 Secrets to Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

Learn to read the cues from the audience and adjust accordingly.

Thought Leaders

How to Get Paid As a Speaker

Why not set yourself up to get paid to share what you know?

Thought Leaders

How to Market Yourself as a Speaker

It's going to take more than a wish and a vision board to transform yourself into a successful paid speaker.

Thought Leaders

3 Entrepreneurial Lessons Learned From Speaking in the Dark

You need a plan for when your plan isn't working, and then another plan for when nothing is working.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Steps to Marketing Yourself as a Speaker

Preparation, packaging, and promotion will make the difference between whether you get paid to speak or not.

Thought Leaders

Before You Take the Stage Make Sure You Look the Part

Speakers who invest and hire pros to make them look like superstars are the ones who's fees double, triple, in sometimes quadruple.

Thought Leaders

How to Effectively Market Yourself as a Speaker

Before you take the stage, you have to effectively market yourself as a speaker.

Thought Leaders

The 5 Things You Must Know Before You Pursue Paid Speaking

Save yourself from frustration and embarrassment with these simple tips.

Business News

4 Traits of Expert Communicators

While there is no outwardly visible signs of an expert corporate communicators, here are four surefire ways to tell you are in the presence of one.

Business News

How to Get a Standing Ovation During Your Next Speech

Here are three tips to help you beat the blahs and earn applause the next time you take the stage.

Growing a Business

Don't Embarrass Yourself Saying These 12 Commonly Misstated Phrases

The easiest way to sound very smart is to not repeat the dumb things everybody else says all the time.

Growing a Business

6 Ways to Channel George Clooney When Delivering Your Pitch

Like other entrepreneurship skills, smooth speaking takes practice. Here's how to stop fumbling over words in front of a crowd.

Business News

How to Craft an Incredible Speech

Public speaking is terrifying for many people. Here are a few pointers to help you get past the fear of talking in front of a crowd.

Growing a Business

9 Steps to Help You Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking (Infographic)

Panicking isn't an option. Preparation is.