Starting a Franchise Business: Page 2


This One Type of Business is Booming Amid a Drastic Population Change

Senior care franchises offer a rewarding opportunity to provide essential services, such as companionship, care, and medication management, for a significantly increasing aging population while tapping into a growing industry.


Discover 5 Top Retail Franchise Opportunities to Invest In, From Ace to Rent-a-Center

Set up shop with these five franchise opportunities offering established brand recognition, extensive support, and unique market advantages.


Your Passport to Success — 5 Tourism-Related Businesses for the Aspiring Entrepreneur

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to join the travel franchise world, buckle up.


Prioritizing These Key Variables When Picking a Franchise Could be the Difference Between Success and Failure

How knowing your strengths — and weaknesses — can make or break your business before you even buy your franchise.


The Secret Roadmap to Franchise Success, from Startup to Sale — A Blueprint for Growth Into a Multi-Billion Dollar Business

Turning an idea into a multi-billion dollar business requires original thinking, careful vetting of the concept and franchisees, and old-fashioned customer service.


Start a Lucrative Side Hustle in the Booming Pet Industry With These 5 Pet-Related Businesses

Pair your love for animals with these franchise concepts to make extra money.


From Ham to Desserts to Getaways, These Businesses Boost Thanksgiving Cheer

From delicious turkey dinners to holiday-spirit snacks and shipping services, these franchises are ideal for Thanksgiving and other holidays.


Millennials Are Getting Too Old for Crypto's Volatility. Many Are Moving to Franchising as a Safer Option.

After years marked by scandals and seeing their peers losing their life savings in Ethereum, many Millennial investors are looking for an alternative to crypto — and finding it in franchising.


The 6 Key Metrics Successful Franchise Restaurants Use to Measure Potential

Here are six metrics that top franchise restaurants use — that you can use as well — to determine the potential of a new project and whether it's worth their time.


The 8 Things Franchise Investors Want to See in Your Business

If you're looking for investors, these are the 8 things they are looking for in your franchise business.


Franchise Legalese Defined — A Deep Dive Into Franchising Definitions

Before you can decide if you should franchise, find out exactly what you're getting yourself into.


Your Ultimate Research Guide to the Crucial Steps Before Buying a Franchise

If you're thinking about becoming a franchisee, find out what you're getting yourself into by reviewing this quick guide.


These Are the Top Companies That Support Franchises in 2023

From banking to marketing to event planning, find out who to hire to help your business thrive.


Would You Turn Your Small Business Into a Franchise? Here's Why Everyone From Hardware Stores to Hot Dog Shops Are Doing It.

When you've put your blood, sweat and tears into building an independent business, it's hard to know if converting to franchise is selling out, or buying into something better. We talked to business owners across industries about how they made the decision, and to franchisors on why they're pursuing the conversion strategy.

Business Ideas

Your Favorite Hobby Should Not Always Turn Into Your Business. Use These 3 Tips to Find Your Next Idea Instead.

Use these three tips for considering prospective business options that match your entrepreneurial goals.