Strategic Partnerships: Page 3

News and Trends

Thomas Cook Ties UP With Vista Rooms

This partnership is aimed at providing standardized accommodation experience


9 Tips for Creating an Awesome Brand

Building a successful brand is a lot of work upfront and a big payoff ever after.

News and Trends

Another Startup Partnership – Now Get On-Demand Two-Wheeler Services Via Quikr

Symbiotic partnerships like these have become a trend within the startup community

Growing a Business

7 Keys to Healthy Co-founder Partnerships

These concepts are relevant for entrepreneurs who want to strengthen their collaboration.

Business News

3 Ways Co-Marketing Can Help Your Small Business Grow

By working together on promotional efforts to promote a product, service or piece of content, all businesses involved benefit.

Growing a Business

How Startups and Legacy Companies Can Both Cash In on Market Trends

What service or product can you provide to companies looking to ride the next big wave to sweep through a consumer market?


New Star Wars Film Is a Marketing Force Brands Should Study

'The Force Awakens' is predicted to break box-office records, thanks in part to numerous brand partnerships.

Growing a Business

Accelerate Your Business Growth Through Partnering

Well aligned companies can accomplish far more combined than either can hope for separately.

Growing a Business

4 Ways You Can Secure Partnerships for Your Startup

Looking for a strategic new alliance? Trying looking in all the "wrong" places to find just the right partner.


4 Questions to Ask to Hire a Great 'Biz Dev' Team for Your Startup

What strategies does that applicant have to move your company toward a great strategic partnership?

Growing a Business

10 Characteristics of Unstoppable Partnerships

Nothing does more to unlock our individual potential than working with devoted partners.

Money & Finance

Everything You Need to Know About Business Partnerships

Before you even start thinking about bringing another business partner on board, find out what this legal expert has to say about the pitfalls of partnerships.


5 Time-Tested Marketing Strategies for Building a Million-Dollar Business

There is always a lot that can go wrong in a business but a handful of marketing ideas are proven winners, when done right.

Starting a Business

The 7 Elements of a Strong Business Model

Envisioning the many moving parts of a functioning business is the first step to success.


Fear as a Positive Motivator: 5 Lessons Learned From the Loss of a Business Partner

Rather than being paralyzed by the possibility of failure, I chose to be afraid of opportunities the company would miss if we didn't push forward.