Succession Planning: Page 3

Money & Finance

Succession Planning: How to Ensure Your Business Will Thrive Without You

When you begin planning your exit from the company you founded, these eight tips will help you smooth the way.

Business Plans

2 Roadblocks to Successful Leadership Transitions

A solid succession plan and a few ground rules are essential when selling your business.

Thought Leaders

But Did You Die? Keep the Business Alive If You're Not Around.

How would your business survive if you stepped away for a day, a week, or forever?

Growing a Business

Leave Policies Are Leaving Out Some Key Opportunities

The only expectation most companies have from employee leave policies is that the worker returns. That's short-sighted.

Business News

The Heir Apparent to Disney CEO Bog Iger Steps Down

Thomas Staggs will end his current role early next month, but will remain with the company through the fiscal year.

Growth Strategies

Meritocracy Or Heritage? What Will Thrive In the Business World?

Indian consumer goods stalwart Harsh Mariwala talks about succession planning, cultural change, challenges and more in a family .

Growing a Business

Now Is the Time to Think About Your Small-Business Succession Plan

Will you be leaving control of your company to family or your employees? Or will you just sell it to an interested party?

Growing a Business

Use Make-a-Will Month to Plan Your Small-Business Exit Strategy

Your business plan should also take into consideration what happens when you are no longer here.

Growing a Business

How to Ensure Your Business Survives the Next Generation

Beware these common mistakes made when passing down a family business.

Growing a Business

9 Keys to Ensuring Your Business Continues to Succeed Without You

A millionaire who retired at 27 shares his tips to setting up your company to run under a leader of your choice.

Thought Leaders

4 Ways to Build the Mental Fortitude Needed to Transition From Your Business

When it's time to walk away, you must figure out your options and prepare yourself for a big chance.

Thought Leaders

The Man Behind Nutella, Ferrero Rocher and Tic Tacs Dies

Michele Ferrero, the leader of the Ferrero Group and the richest person in Italy, died at age 89.


How I Dealt With Cancer In the Corner Office. My Own.

When the boss had health issues, a company needs to act decisively. That's especially true when you're the boss.

Growing a Business

6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Business

Getting it wrong before you start can ruin any hopes of a sale and can mean many months of your time wasted.

Growing a Business

Common Succession Planning Mistakes -- and How to Avoid Them

Remember, the process isn't about you. It's about the organization. Instead of choosing a successor just like you, choose one to meet the new needs of the enterprise.