Tech: Page 2

News and Trends

Utility NFTs: The Rising Digital Revolution Transforming Industries

Utility non-fungible tokens are not merely a passing fad, but a significant force reshaping industries from entertainment and art to fashion, real estate, and gaming.

Science & Technology

You Can Unleash Maximum Efficiency and Streamline Your Processes By Doing This One Thing

Most businesses look to reduce spending in tough times, with the software and digital technology sectors heavily targeted — but this isn't the only option. Here's an alternative.

Science & Technology

3 Ways to Lean into Tech Without Losing the Human Touch

Tech is a powerful business tool, but it shouldn't overshadow your brand's human touch. Here are three ways to avoid that issue and get the most out of your tech.

Business News

Google Engineers Rake in Big Bucks with Base Salaries up to $718,000, According to a New Report

The data comes from an internal spreadsheet shared among Google employees, comprised of information from over 12,000 U.S. workers for 2022.

Science & Technology

Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence — 8 Trends and Predictions for the Next Decade

Here are eight emerging trends and predictions to be aware of regarding the future of AI.

Science & Technology

3 Ways Consumers Can Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence

AI isn't just for businesses. Here are a few ways consumers can get in on the AI revolution, too.

Science & Technology

Why Elon Musk and Other Tech Experts Are Worried About Artificial Intelligence

In the emerging AI era, notable tech figures celebrate the technology's astounding capabilities while other companies fiercely compete in the AI market. Yet, as businesses struggle to adapt, many tech experts voice concerns about AI's potential pitfalls.

Business News

The CEO of Software Giant Intuit, Which Has Avoided Mass Layoffs, Says Tech Firms Axed Jobs Because They Misread the Pandemic

During the first months of the pandemic, internet traffic surged as much as 60% in some countries, according to an OECD analysis.

Science & Technology

Why We Must Reimagine Education in the Age of Technology

Here's why we must reassess our traditional notions of education in the digital age.

Science & Technology

The Top Fears and Dangers of Generative AI — and What to Do About Them

Here are a few of the biggest reasons people fear generative AI and potential solutions for each.

Science & Technology

Why We Must Focus on What AI Can Give Us Instead of Focusing on What It Could Take Away

As we face a revolutionary technology, we should spend less time on what it will take away, and more time on how we will leverage it to create and accomplish more.

Science & Technology

6 Reasons Why the Real Estate Industry Needs to Start Embracing Technology

The real estate industry has historically been slow to adopt new technologies. Here are six reasons why the industry as a whole needs to shift its attitude and start embracing technology.

Science & Technology

Why the Metaverse Matters — A Guide for Entrepreneurs and Innovators

As the metaverse continues to gain momentum, some revealing statistics offer a roadmap for entrepreneurs and innovators to unlock its potential.

Science & Technology

Cloud Data Warehouses Are a Game-Changer for Modern Businesses. Here's How to Utilize Them for Growth and Expansion.

In this era of industrialization, modern businesses flourish on the foundations of cloud computing, in which cloud data warehouses are one of its pillars. Here is how contemporary businesses leverage this weapon for business growth.