tiktok: Page 8

Business News

TikTok CEO Testifies in House Hearing: We Are Building 'Firewall' Around U.S. Data

The CEO of TikTok, Singapore-born Shou Chew, testified before Congress for the first time on Wednesday. He promised to safeguard U.S. data.

Business News

Why Is the U.S. Threatening to Ban TikTok? The Government Wants Chinese Owners to Sell Stakes

The U.S. government asked the company to divest from its Chinese ownership, including its parent company, Beijing-based ByteDance, or potentially be banned from operating in the country.

Business News

TikTok Is Adding a Feed Just for Science and Math Videos

This comes after users began to see dedicated tabs for other topics on their TikTok apps.

Business News

Dress Shop Owner Emotionally Gifts Teen Free Prom Dress: 'She's Never Going to Forget How Special You Made Her Feel

Summer Lucille is the owner of plus size boutique Juicy Body Goddess in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Business News

Zappos Puts Its Foot Down on 'Shoeperstitous' Internet Trends

The online shoe giant surveyed 2,000 Americans to debunk viral shoe theories that may be bad for business.


Documentos muestran que Mark Zuckerberg, Meta y TikTok fueron advertidos sobre la adicción que las redes sociales pueden generar

Según los documentos las empresas desarrollaron algoritmos capaces de "enganchar" a los usuarios pese a tener conocimiento de los riesgos que implicann para la salud mental.

Business News

'Cover Yourself': Model Slams Beach Bar Staff for 'Dress Code'

An Australian model is claiming that a local beach resort told her that she needed to follow a "dress code" when she stopped by for a drink.

Business News

TikTok Influencer Reveals She Makes $350,000 a Month on OnlyFans. 'Absolutely Unreal.'

When Tara Lynn promoted her OnlyFans page on TikTok, she saw her income more than double.


Los 'lunes al mínimo' la última tendencia de equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, cortesía de TikTok

Los lunes son los mejores días para hacer lo mínimo, según una tiktoker que trabaja de manera independiente; el consejo ya resuena entre los usuarios en línea.

Business News

3 TikTok Trends Brands Should Pay Attention To

Trends on TikTok shift as quickly as they begin, and content creators must stay agile and on top of what's hot if they hope to make money from their profiles. Here are a few trends to pay attention to.

Social Media

From Dog Pictures to Art Memes, Here's What to Learn From the Social Media Tactics of Major Museums

To run a more creative social media campaign, follow these five social media tactics from world-famous museums.

Social Media

7 Proven Strategies for Launching a Successful Ecommerce Business

Whether you're planning to set up a dropshipping business or intending to develop, produce, and sell products, having the right knowledge about creating a successful ecommerce business is imperative. Discover the 7 proven strategies you need to know to launch and grow your online business faster and easier.


TikTok pone límite de uso de la aplicación a menores de edad

De acuerdo con las nuevas políticas de TikTok, la plataforma mandará un mensaje de advertencia a los usuarios una vez superado el límite..

Business News

TikTok Will Limit Teens' Screen Time to 60 Minutes a Day — But There's a Catch

After 60 minutes, teens will have to enter a passcode to continue watching videos.

Business News

'Brings Tears to My Eyes': Texas Teens Raise Over $270,000 To Help 80-Year-Old Janitor Retire

The students started their fundraiser with an initial goal of $10,000.