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Business News

How to Manage Your Rental Income Wisely

Becoming a profitable real estate investor requires giving time and attention to your finances. Being a landlord requires you to manage rental income and spend money on repairs, maintenance, taxes,...

Business News

How Are Annuities Taxed?

Tax nuances are a complex part of any financial tool you rely on for retirement. Take a 401(k) plan as an example. These types of retirement plans are tax-deferred. This...

Business News

Retire Happy With This Much Money

"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness," Benjamin Franklin once said. "The more of it one has, the more...

Business News

Retirement Homes: What You Should Prioritize First

In the United States, retirement is becoming less and less of a certainty. In fact, the 2021 Natixis Global Retirement Index reports that 40% of investors say "it will take...

Business News

How Outsourcing Financial Busywork Can Save Your Business Money

No matter what kind of business you run, staying on top of your finances is critical to keep growing in the short term, and over the long haul. For example,...

Business News

3 Ways to Invest Without Risking Any Money at All With an Annuity

My sister is an avid cycler. It's actually her favorite way to exercise. As an older sibling, however, I get nervous about her safety. Generally, speaking cycling is incredibly safe....