Kitchen Facelift Service

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

If you launch a kitchen facelift service, your most powerful sales argument could easily become, 'Why spend $20,000 to replace your kitchen, when we can give you an entirely new look for a fraction of the cost?' The average cost of a complete kitchen replacement now tops $20,000--out of the reach of many homeowners. Yet many of these same homeowners have the financial resources to part with a few thousand dollars to get the next best thing'a professional kitchen facelift. Leaving the wall and floor cabinets in place, install new doors, countertops, hardware, tile backsplash, accent lighting and trim to make even the dullest kitchen look new and exciting for a fraction of the cost of a total kitchen replacement. Exhibiting at home-and-garden shows with the aid of a before-and-after kitchen facelift display will enable you to generate sales leads from people interested in having their kitchens updated. Traditional forms of advertising in newspapers, on the radio, site signs and via direct mail will also get the telephone ringing.

The Market

Homeowners looking to revamp their kitchens without the cost associated with completely replacing their kitchen. You can also target apartment complexes who need to update kitchens in their units.

Needed Equipment

You will need carpentry skills, woodworking tools and equipment to successfully start and operate this service.

Kitchen Facelift Service Ideas

Home Maintenance and Repair

Keep clients' homes in tip-top shape with a home maintenance and repair business.

House Painting

Get out your old painting jeans and ladder to start a house painting business.

Rubbish Removal

Being a trash man may not sound glamorous, but there's plenty of money to be made hauling junk.

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