
Leaders have to stay at the forefront of innovation. Discover innovative trends across technology and strategy that will help you stand apart and lead towards success here.

Business Culture

How Being People-First Can Help You Succeed When Expanding Globally

International teams need to feel like extensions of the company, not isolated outposts.

Growing a Business

How an Annoying Backbreaking Chore Sparked the Idea for This Entrepreneur's Thriving Business

Find out how City Tree Delivery in Chicago brings the holiday spirit directly to urban doorsteps.

Science & Technology

Brand New GPT-4o Revealed: 3 Mind Blowing Updates and 3 Unexpected Challenges for Entrepreneurs

Unveiling OpenAI's GPT-4.0: The latest AI with vision, auditory, and emotional intelligence abilities is revolutionizing industries. How will it affect your business?

More Posts on Innovation

Thought Leaders

Creativity Isn't Just Something You're Born With — It's a Skill You Can Develop. Here's How.

Creativity is a vital skill for personal and business success, yet many people struggle to nurture it — or they believe they can't. Here are some practical steps and principles to align your mindset and emotions to enhance your creative potential.


Why You Need a Customer Mission Statement if You Want a Successful Organization

Traditional mission statements focus on the company, not the customer. To create a more customer-centric organization, start with changing your mission statement by giving it an external focus.

Side Hustle

This Former Tesla Employee Started a Side Hustle to Save Gen Z Time — Now It's Raised Over $40 Million From the CEOs of Salesforce, Uber and More

Dylan Diamond is co-founder and CEO of Saturn, the app that helps high schoolers manage busy schedules.

Business News

'Creators Left So Much Money on the Table': Kickstarter's CEO Reveals the Story Behind the Company's Biggest Changes in 15 Years

In an interview with Entrepreneur, Kickstarter CEO Everette Taylor explains the decision-making behind the changes, how he approaches leading Kickstarter, and his advice for future CEOs.


How Corporate Investment Helps Startups Deploy Technology Faster Than Ever

Financial resources, strategic alignment, access to expertise, market validation and operational support make this deployment possible.

Growing a Business

5 Strategies to Know As You Scale Your Business

Scaling a service-based company requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond simply increasing revenue. It requires careful planning, strategic decision-making and a deep understanding of market dynamics.

Growing a Business

Don't Play Catch-up With Your Competition — Use These 3 Essential Technologies to Power Up Your Small Business

Here are three technologies for you to embrace in your business for faster growth and higher success.

Growing a Business

This CEO Says Prioritizing Purpose Over Profit Is Key to Consistent Growth and Sustainable Profit — Here's Why.

It's time you ask yourself as a leader if the business you are running is focused only on monetary gains or fulfills a larger purpose. This CEO explains the benefits of building a purpose-focused business that leads you toward consistent and sustainable profit.

Side Hustle

The Side Hustle He Started at Age 15 Led to a $4 Billion Boon for Small Businesses: 'They Would Take a Chance on Me With Their Hard-Earned Money'

Nic Beique asked his local barber, gym and more if they'd like him to build a website for their businesses.

Science & Technology

AI Is My Meal Planner, Editor, Assistant and More as a Working Mom — Here's How You Can Use AI to Conquer Multitasking, Too.

Generative AI tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT can assist a mompreneur's work and personal life by helping them get through their to-do list and have more time for themselves — the gift that every working mom wants.

Growing a Business

If You Aren't Betting on the Media Industry, You Are Losing a Competitive Edge — Here's Why.

Building or acquiring media assets is an increasingly popular strategy adopted by creative entrepreneurs and startups looking to leverage the industry's unique characteristics.