Thought Leaders - Page 9

Tap into advice and insights from some of the business world's foremost thought leaders, and find out what it takes to join them.

Thought Leaders

Want to Attract Success? Don't Do These 9 Things

We are constantly told what to do if we want success — but what about the habits to avoid?

Growing a Business

"I Was an Awful High School Student": How the Owner of an Award-Winning Restaurant Brand Beat the Odds and Found Success

For Andy Husbands, champion pit master, author, and owner of multi-unit restaurant company The Smoke Shop, the culinary path has been a lifelong pursuit fueled by passion and inspiration.

Business Ideas

From $0 to $10 Million — Here's How to Build a Winning Prop Trading Team

Do you need to know what skill set is required to be a successful leader in one of the most rapidly changing niches in finance? This article sums up the recommendations of a "prop trading" pioneer.

More Posts on Thought Leaders

Thought Leaders

Making the Strong Business Case for Driving Human Brilliance

When human brilliance thrives we create positive change — in the world and for an organization.

Business Ideas

63 Small Business Ideas to Start in 2024

We put together a list of the best, most profitable small business ideas for entrepreneurs to pursue in 2024.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Battle Burnout While Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset — Your People

Combatting cybersecurity burnout is crucial in safeguarding our digital frontlines. With 66% of professionals experiencing extreme stress, leaders must address these inherent issues.

Growing a Business

She 'Reverse-Engineered' Her First Company's Failure Into a Sober-Curious Brand Making $25 Million a Year

Shizu Okusa ran her first company for eight years but never made enough money. When she founded Apothékary, she knew what she had to do differently.


If You Want to be Successful, Become a Better Speaker — Follow This 7-Step Process for Effective Speaking

Discover the transformative power of mastering presentation skills with this 7-step process.


You Can Fear It and Still Use It — Why Are So Many American Workers Shy About AI?

A recent study has revealed a worrying trend: American workers use artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled tools less than their counterparts in other countries — far less.

Thought Leaders

4 Types of Toxic People That May Be Undermining Your Path to Success

It's easy to stay friends with the same people you've known forever. But what if the people you've had the longest relationships with are actually sabotaging your success and happiness?

Growing a Business

How These 2 Social Media Growth Opportunities Will Transform Business in 2024

Social media platforms are great tools for "listening" to ongoing conversations to understand what is important in your community.


From Trusted to Cancelled — Here's How to Navigate the Double-Edged Sword of Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword: skillfully wielded, it has the power either to amplify your voice or open doors to new prospects. Another slip can exact gaping wounds that will bleed your credibility and trust.


With Iconic Clients Like Magic Johnson and Hulk Hogan, This Super Agent's Career Exceeded His Wildest Dreams. But Behind All of the Success He Was Caught in a Personal Nightmare.

On this episode of "The Jeff Fenster Show," Darren Prince shares his remarkable recovery journey, reminding us all of the importance of inner growth, resilience, and making a positive impact on others.


Always Waiting for the Best Option Is Holding You Back. Here's Why.

If you know what you want, then the solution is simple — make the determination and stick to it.