Business Insider


Business News

A Software Engineer Worked at Tesla, SAP, and Salesforce. Here's How He Negotiated His Salary, Including a $520,000 Meta Offer.

He job hopped "quite a bit," but he used every switch, including a layoff, to land a better role with more pay.

Business News

GPT-4 Is Better Than Humans at Financial Forecasting, New Study Shows

The findings could upend the financial services industry.

Business News

Inside Amazon's Struggle to Crack Nvidia's AI-Chip Dominance

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang is not counting Amazon out, though, noting his customer will soon become his competitor: "They are about to design a chip to replace ours."

Business News

Think Your Boss Is Scary? Check Out the Brutal Emails These Tech CEOs Sent Their Employees.

Emails from Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos show that delivery and tone can always be improved — even from the top boss.

Business News

A Woman Rented Out Her $1.7M L.A. Home — Then Her Tenant Left the Country and Turned It Into an Illegal Airbnb: Report

The homeowner, a Netflix executive, thought he was the "perfect tenant" until she discovered her home was being used as an illegal Airbnb for at least 16 months.