Branding - Page 2

From personal branding or corporate business branding, entrepreneurs know a strong branding strategy and design are imperative to success. Learn more, here.

Side Hustle

The Sweet Side Hustle She Started in an Old CVS Made $800,000 in One Year. Now She's Repeating the Success With Her Daughter — and They've Already Exceeded 8 Figures.

Mother-daughter team Elisabeth and Gina Galvin are taking their snack brand Stellar Snacks to new heights, literally — you've probably seen their products in-flight.


Want to Know the Secret to Closing More Sales? 65% of Consumers Say They Will Buy If Your Company Does This.

Encouraging and supporting your employees in their personal branding efforts is not just a strategy for individual growth, but it's also a forward-thinking business approach to elevate your company in a competitive market.

Business Ideas

Don't Have Time to Eat Healthy? This Entrepeneur Has a Fix for That.

Luke Saunders, founder and CEO of Farmer's Fridge, built a company to make eating fresh food on the go as easy as buying a bag of chips.

Growing a Business

Don't Let These Three PR Myths Stop You From Harnessing Its Power

While these myths may have changed your perceptions of PR, it is still a powerful asset for any company, especially ambitious ones. Let's debunk these myths so you can identify a PR plan that works best for your business.

More Posts on Branding

Business Ideas

How This One Customer Service Hack Can Transform Your Business

Instead of examining all the options and offerings to add, consider what you should remove, redesign, and eliminate.


Launching a New Product? You'll Struggle If You Don't Keep These 4 Positioning Lessons in Mind.

Here are four important positioning lessons from the "world's cheapest car."

Side Hustle

When This Entrepreneur Couldn't Decide What to Name His Business, He Started a $2,000-a-Month Side Hustle to Help — Now It Earns Over $10 Million a Year

Darpan Munjal, founder and CEO of AI-powered startup ecosystem Atom, offered $50 to anyone who could help with the creativity block.


How AI Is Transforming Keyword Research (and Why You Can't Afford to Ignore It)

Learn how AI tools can streamline keyword research, improve content targeting accuracy and boost SERP rankings. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, this guide is a must-read for success in the digital space.

Starting a Business

Offering Your Valuable Knowledge and Services For Free Comes at a Price — Here's How to Avoid Paying It.

Passionate entrepreneurs can have a hard time putting monetary value to their work. They can even undervalue it at times, especially when their focus is on purpose over profit — but profit is the only way you can continue your purpose. Here's how you can build a balance between generosity and professional valuation instead.

Growing a Business

How to Align Business and Customer Interests for Long-Term Success

If you have to chase customers, they may be the wrong customers for your business.


Why This One Unique Marketing Approach is the Key to Business Growth

Adopting this approach now will help you succeed and see consistent, measurable growth over the long term.

Growing a Business

How To Leverage Social Media to Optimize PR Success and Increase Your Brand Awareness

Entrepreneurs can establish authority and trust in their industries through the strategic use of social media, leveraging platforms for podcast appearances, guest posts, and consistent, quality content that aligns with their brand's mission.


94% of Customers Say a Bad Review Made Them Avoid Buying From a Brand. Try These 4 Techniques to Protect Your Brand Reputation.

Maintaining a good reputation is key for any business today. With so many people's lives and shopping happening online, what is said about a company on the internet can greatly influence its success.

Growing a Business

They Designed One Simple Product With a 'Focus on Human Health' — and Made $40 Million Last Year

Marilee Nelson, Allison Evans and Kelly Love founded cult-favorite cleaning brand Branch Basics in 2012.