Business Ideas - Page 10

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Fund Your Startup in 2024

Remember that businesses like Grammarly, Spanx, TOMS shoes, YouTube, and Apple were once small businesses, too. So, while the journey may be challenging, it's worth working for!

Starting a Business

These Are the Best States to Start a Business in 2024, According to a New Report

It pays to be strategic when deciding where to launch your next venture.

Starting a Business

Free Webinar | February 22: How to Make the Leap From the Corporate World to Entrepreneurship

Join our transformative webinar as special guest, Launi King, shares her journey from corporate success to entrepreneurship. Discover how you can walk the same path. Secure your spot now!

Business Ideas

Dead Weight Expenses Are Costing Your Small Business. Here's What to Watch for — And How to Cut Them

Small businesses in particular can't afford to be poorly investing limited cash.

More Posts on Business Ideas

Side Hustle

This Former Amazon Employee Started a Side Hustle Because She Wanted 'Lifestyle Freedom' — Now Her Business Earns $100,000 a Month

Julie Berninger, former tech project manager and current Etsy shop owner, successfully transitioned her side hustle into a full-scale business, Gold City Ventures.

Growing a Business

4 Ways Small Business Owners Can Capitalize on Big Events

Here are four strategies small business owners can use to capitalize on major events like the Super Bowl.

Side Hustle

He Pulled Cash From His 401k to Start a Side Hustle — and It Mushroomed Beyond His Full-Time Income to Over $1 Million in Sales

Michael Pan transformed his fascination with his family's mushroom snack from a side hustle into a flourishing business, Pan's Mushroom Jerky, with sales surpassing seven figures.

Starting a Business

A Former McKinsey Consultant Used This Not-So-'Sexy' Mindset to Take Her 'Healthy Indulgence' Snack Brand From Her Kitchen to 4,000 Retailers

Sabeena Ladha, founder and CEO of DEUX, drew on her childhood love of sweets and experience in the food space to create a different kind of snack company.

Starting a Business

Why Indonesia Is Becoming the Next Serious Player in Entrepreneurship

These four insights are providing a roadmap for success in Indonesia's diverse and challenging business environment.

Starting a Business

Aspiring Entrepreneur? Here's the Lucrative, Accessible Online Career You Need to Explore.

Starting a business or side hustle in this unexpected industry can unlock financial and location freedom. Here's what you need to know.

Side Hustle

These Sisters Started a Side Hustle After a 'Light Bulb' Moment Standing in Line for Coffee — Now Their Business Has Done $100 Million in Total Sales

Elise Whang's and Emily Erkel's respective careers in law and retail strategy consulting provided crucial skills for establishing and growing LePrix, an innovative platform for luxury resale.

Growing a Business

Are Your Networking Efforts Falling Flat? Shake Things Up With These 5 Strategies.

If your current networking strategies have proven to be ineffective, it's time to shake things up a bit. Here's how.

Starting a Business

With Over $120 Million in Sales, Dude Wipes Is No Joke. Here's How the Company's Chief Executive Dude Keeps Things Fun and Profitable.

On this episode of "The CEO Series," we sit down with Sean Riley, the Chief Executive Dude of Dude Wipes.

Growing a Business

Your Reputation is Your Currency. How Are You Investing in Yourself?

Your reputation is not a passive byproduct; it's a proactive investment. You can safeguard your reputation and boost its 'value' by investing in your brand.