

Overnight Success as a Startup Is Unrealistic — Embrace the Uncertainty and Try This Instead.

The startup norm of "move fast and break things" is short-sighted. Here is why being patient will serve your business in the long run.


In the Age of Instant, Here's Why Leaders Must Learn the Art of Patience

Leaders today must resist the urge to fall in with the age of instant gratification, choosing instead to practice the dying art of patience through their actions and decisions.

Growing a Business

Beware The Customer Cliff of Dissatisfaction — or Prepare to Lose Customers Fast

The Cliff of Dissatisfaction in customer service and the customer experience is the precipice where your customers (or prospective customers) lose faith that you can serve them in a timely manner. Here's how to identify it and fix this problem wherever it may occur.

Growing a Business

3 Actionable Strategies for Navigating Market Uncertainty

Many entrepreneurs wait to manage unpredictableness until it arises. Instead, have an approach in your game plan regardless.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to See Beyond the Small Steps and Work Toward a Bigger Entrepreneurial Journey

As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to get caught up in the minutiae, but we also have to be able to see the bigger picture to achieve future success.

Starting a Business

8 Reasons Why Your Startup Will Fail

If you're thinking about starting your own business, avoid these dangers.


Patience Is a Key Leadership Skill — But You Don't Want to Be a Pushover. Here's How to Balance It.

Leaders must find the balance between extending too much patience and too little to create a supportive, productive and safe workplace.

Starting a Business

No One Would Rent Me a Café In Trendy NYC Neighborhoods, So I Tried Something Risky. Now I Have Three Coffee Shops.

To get White Noise Cofee Co. off the ground, I had to believe that if I built my dream café, they would come.... wherever it was.


How to Harness the Power of Patience to be a Better Leader

The reasons I prioritize patience when sharpening my leadership and management skills.

Growth Strategies

Why Patience And Kindness Need To Be At The Center Of How You Run Your Business

In business, we have a duty of leadership not only to ourselves, but also those that work for us, or purchase our products, or even consume our content.


The Fashion Virtuoso

Try and have a conversation with your audience and try that people know your personality through your content whether it is on your stories or you are talking to your audience or you are replying to them in your comments or maybe taking requests if someone asks you to style an item a certain way and you do that: Aashna Shroff

Starting a Business

Revisiting the Perks and Perils of Entrepreneurship Amid the Pandemic

Amid the Great Resignation, many Americans are turning to entrepreneurship, but aspiring small business owners must boldly rise to insurmountable challenges to make an impact and to establish a legacy that is bigger than any one individual.


5 Leadership Mistakes That Can Break Your Company

Leaders need to be concerned with their current trajectory rather than their current results.

Starting a Business

Why Being Selective Can Lead to Success

The co-founder and CEO of Tracer shares how his data intelligence platform bridges the growing gap between sets of data and how being selective helped him close a multi-million-dollar fundraising round.

Thought Leaders

5 Lessons for Entrepreneurs from 'The 40 Rules of Love'

Business basics from a 13th-century story.