News and Trends

In Two Years, 100% of enterprise PC purchases will be AI PCs: Gartner report

Notably, Gartner forecasts AI PC shipments will reach 22 per cent by the year end

Science & Technology

Get More Done With This PC Cleanup Software, Now Just $14.99 for a Year

Get a year's license to this software and give your computer increased performance.


HP CIO Ellen Jackowski Explains the Key to Corporate Sustainability

The technology company's Chief Impact Officer and Head of Sustainable Impact breaks down how environmental, social and governance factor into modern corporate strategy.


Has the Mobile Gaming Frenzy Caught India Yet? This Entrepreneur Says Yes

"30 million smartphones are sold every quarter and the data costs have reduced drastically"

Business News

Why the PC Might Not See a Comeback

The longest downturn in PC sales history might not be a bad thing.

Business News

PC Market Slumps to Lowest Point Since 2011

Two-in-ones were a bright spot in the market, but Q1 shipments of all other categories were 'weak,' Canalys says.

Business News

Intel to Cut Up to 12,000 Jobs Globally as PC Industry Declines

Many new tech users around the world turn to mobile phones for their computing needs, and corporations increasingly rely on big machines rather than desktop models to run their businesses.

Business News

Have Apple Quicktime on Your PC? Uninstall It Right Now, U.S. Agency Says.

Bugs were found that could be leveraged to launch attacks on PCs if users visit a malicious web page or open a tainted file.


Intuit Launches New Online QuickBooks App for Windows

The new PC product gives small business owners direct access to Intuit's accounting software solution in the cloud.

Business News

Microsoft Launches Windows 10 With an Eye on Mobile Market

The much-awaited operating system has arrived.

Business News

Intel to Buy Smaller Chipmaker for $16.7 Billion

With the acquisition, Intel aims to to boost its data center business.

Business News

Windows Security Flaw Could Let Hackers Steal Login Info From Hundreds of Millions of PCs

If a hacker can get a Windows user to click on a bad link in an email or on a website, it can essentially hijack communications and steal sensitive information.

Business News

Guess Who Wrote Microsoft's 'Blue Screen of Death'

The text from that infamous blue screen on Windows PCs was written by none other than ...

Data & Recovery

Mary Meeker: Tablet Shipments Are Growing Faster Than PCs Ever Did

The venture capitalist and legendary Wall Street analyst released her 2014 internet trends report today at the Code Conference.