Business Ideas - Page 3

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.

Growing a Business

The Illusion of the Shelf – The Driving Force Behind Infant Formula Shortages, and What Needs to Change

Our nation is poised for another infant formula shortage; competition is crucial in preventing this shortage.

Starting a Business

This Mother of 6 Created a Hit Children's Brand Without Any Industry Experience — Here's Her No. 1 Secret for Entrepreneurial Parents Who Want to Achieve Big Goals

Ylleya Fields independently published the book that would expand into the "Princess Cupcake Jones" series and full-blown brand in 2012.

Business Ideas

Don't Have Time to Eat Healthy? This Entrepeneur Has a Fix for That.

Luke Saunders, founder and CEO of Farmer's Fridge, built a company to make eating fresh food on the go as easy as buying a bag of chips.

Side Hustle

He Started a Luxury Side Hustle at Age 13 — Now the Business Earns More Than $10 Million a Year: 'People Want to Help You When You're Young'

Michael Morgan, now the owner of Iconic Watch Company, always had a passion for "old things" — and he turned it into a lucrative venture.

More Posts on Business Ideas

Business Plans

From Camera-Shy to Camera-Ready — Here's What to Consider Before You Go on Camera

Are you ready to be on camera? Here are a few things to consider.

Growing a Business

10 Founders On the 'Aha' Moments That Unlocked Massive Growth: 'It Felt Like a Secret Hidden In Plain Sight'

New companies rarely get off the ground without some roadblocks, setbacks, and unforeseen decisions. Here, 10 founders describe the pivots that catapulted their profitability.

Business Ideas

How This One Customer Service Hack Can Transform Your Business

Instead of examining all the options and offerings to add, consider what you should remove, redesign, and eliminate.

Business Ideas

You Will Fail at Risk-Taking Unless You Follow These 5 Strategies

Succeeding in business and life always involves a degree of risk. Knowing how to take risks, when, and how to mitigate risks is essential to finding success.

Growing a Business

When Your Company Hits This 'Critical Mark,' Big Investors and Private Equity Will Come Calling

Whether you're looking to sell or bring on bigger investors, this growth benchmark will get you in the room.

Business Plans

Write Your Business Plan | Part 4 Overview Video

Identify viable ideas and get them in front of the right customers and investors.

Growing a Business

To Make Your First Million Dollars, Draw Up This Venn Diagram: 'You Want to Fall Right In the Middle. If You Do, I Think It'll Take 5 Years'

The hosts of 'My First Million' believe anyone can make it happen if they follow this formula.

Side Hustle

He Started a Salty Backyard Side Hustle That Out-Earned His Full-Time Job and Now Makes Over $1 Million a Year: 'Take the Leap'

In 2011, Kyle Needham turned his passion for oysters into a business that saw consistent monthly revenue "right away."

Side Hustle

When This Entrepreneur Couldn't Decide What to Name His Business, He Started a $2,000-a-Month Side Hustle to Help — Now It Earns Over $10 Million a Year

Darpan Munjal, founder and CEO of AI-powered startup ecosystem Atom, offered $50 to anyone who could help with the creativity block.


Here's the Vital Thing That Founders Should Be Thinking About 'Morning, Noon, and Night,' According to This Female-Focused Company CEO

Coco Meers, the CEO and co-founder of Equilibria, a women-focused company that specializes in CBD products, on what it takes to sustain success.

Business Ideas

Clinton Sparks Podcast: Shaquille O'Neal's Journey from NBA Superstar to Entrepreneur

This podcast is a fun, entertaining and informative show that will teach you how to succeed and achieve your goals with practical advice and actionable steps given through compelling stories and conversations with Clinton and his guests.