Which Supplier Diversity Programs Are Effective? Determine the best program to help women suppliers by studying its scope of support.
As women entrepreneurs become a greater force within thebusiness world, more companies are sure to create supplierdiversity programs. As with anything else in life, however, not allof them will be created equal. Susan Phillips Bari, president ofthe Women's Business Enterprise National Council, offers thesetips on identifying an effective program:
- Does support for supplier diversity come from the very top ofthe organization? If not, there may not be much oomph behind theeffort.
- Does the program set goals regarding dollar amounts and/ornumber of businesses served? Does it review these goalsannually?
- Are the procurement goals part of the corporate strategicplan?
- Is there a clearly stated procedure for helping women get inthe door, as well as someone within the company who can directsuppliers to procurement officials and vice versa?
- Is the company a member of any local, regional or nationalwomen's business organizations? Does it participate inWomen's Business Enterprise-related events?
- Does the company actively seek women-owned businesses andcreate opportunities for networking between its prime contractorsand women entrepreneurs?
- Does the company provide feedback to unsuccessful bidders?