David James

Entrepreneur Staff

Work Experience

David James is a writer for Entrepreneur.com.

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Business News

'Let It Go': A Couple Has Spent $400K Suing Disney After Being Banned From the Park's Exclusive 33 Club. Social Media Reactions Have Not Been G-Rated.

After getting banned from the exclusive members-only club for alleged bad behavior, a California couple has spent a fortune trying to get back to paling around with Mickey.


Taylor Swift está diseñando jugadas para los Kansas City Chiefs. Te explicamos por qué esto es una gran lección para las parejas profesionales

El campeón del Super Bowl, Patrick Mahomes, asegura que los Kansas City Chiefs tienen una coordinadora ofensiva estrella trabajando tras bambalinas.


Taylor Swift Is Drawing Up Plays for the Kansas City Chiefs. Here's Why That Is a Great Lesson for Career Couples.

Super Bowl champion Patrick Mahomes says the Kansas City Chiefs have a star offensive coordinator working behind the scenes.

Business News

This 21-Year-Old College Student Just Made History

Karsen Kitchen, a student at UNC, just became the youngest female passenger to cross the Kármán Line border to outer space. She was one of six passengers aboard Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin New Shepard 26 flight Thursday.


Taylor Swift, ovnis y fútbol americano: Travis y Jason Kelce recibirán $100 millones de dólares por su podcast. ¿Realmente lo vale?

Jason y Travis Kelce, los hermanos ligados a la NFL, son las más recientes celebridades del mundo del podcast en cerrar millonarios acuerdos con importantes plataformas.

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