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5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Download Today These five podcasts are hosted by entrepreneurs who can help you build your business.

By Jonathan Long

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Monica Schipper | Getty Images
The School of Greatness host, Lewis Howes

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it is crucial to keep learning. Entrepreneurship is all about solving problems with creative solutions and finding a way to overcome any difficult situation you are faced with. Trust me, you will always encounter speed bumps along the way.

It is easier than ever to find high-quality content and educate yourself on various business topics, and there is plenty of valuable information available in them. As you explore podcasts, try to find shows that entertain you, while keeping you engaged and focused. Ultimately, listening to a podcast should improve your entrepreneurial mindset -- otherwise it is a waste of time. To help you in your search for the perfect podcast, here are five of the top entrepreneurship-themed podcasts I believe everyone should be listening to.

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1. MFCEO Project Podcast

The MFCEO Project Podcast is hosted by Andy Frisella, the founder and owner of various nutrition, supplement and fitness companies. His podcast focuses on teaching you how to be "the motherf***ing CEO" and work past any struggles you might have. The podcast is full of actionable advice that is geared to help entrepreneurs navigate the ups and downs of building a multimillion-dollar company. He shares his story and experiences to educate others on what it really means to be an entrepreneur.

As one of Frisella's episodes about decision-making states, "Being decisive doesn't mean you always make the right decisions. It means you know how to make a decision quickly and intelligently, and you keep moving forward." If you want to cut out excuses and focus on getting real results in business and in life, this is a great podcast.

2. The School of Greatness

The School of Greatness is the podcast hosted by Lewis Howes, New York Times bestselling author, lifestyle entrepreneur, former pro athlete and fellow Entrepreneur contributor. He has different categories of episodes, covering inspiration, business, entrepreneurship, health and relationships. Every Friday, he offers concise five-minute episodes.

Overall, Howes wants to promote healthy and successful lifestyles, regardless of career ambitions. It's a great podcast if you want to focus not just on being successful, but living a healthy and fulfilling life as well.

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3. Entrepreneur on Fire

John Lee Dumas has run Entrepreneur on Fire for a number of years and has focused on transparency and honesty. He reveals what his income is each month and how much he has made since the launch of the podcast back in 2012, which is roughly $13 million gross income and $9.5 million net income. As he states, he wants entrepreneurs "to emulate our successes and avoid our failures." This podcast is a good choice for anyone looking to learn from other entrepreneurs' stories and journeys.

4. The Gary Vee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk, aka Gary Vee, has created quite a personal brand in the entrepreneurship space. His ability to forecast trends and emphasize action above all is what powers his success.

Vaynerchuk now says "the future is audio and voice," and is using his podcast, The GaryVee Audio Experience, as a way to develop connections and share information about his entrepreneurial journey. This is a podcast to follow if you want insights on how to get things done and find innovative entrepreneurial solutions -- from someone that is in the trenches daily.

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5. The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss has had the opportunity to interview some of the greatest business minds of this generation and has written a number of New York Times bestselling books encapsulating the lessons he has learned. In each episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, he focuses on unique tips, tricks and tactics that listeners can take away and use in their daily lives.

Additionally, he brings in a variety of mindsets from his book The 4-Hour Workweek to teach listeners about optimizing their work flow and working smarter, not harder.
Jonathan Long

Founder, Uber Brands

Jonathan Long is the founder of Uber Brands, a brand-development agency focusing on ecommerce.

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