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How Live Streaming Platforms Have Emerged as a Virtual Medium of Marketing and Branding? While platforms have been helping individuals showcase their talents and broaden their fanbase, it is also offering businesses to collaborate with such talent base in order to widen the reach of their brands

By Sudhanshu Rai

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With the evolution of technology, there is an evolution which is taking place in the segments like marketing and branding of businesses. The traditional methods of marketing appear to be getting altered as social media and videos are replacing television, radio, and newspapers advertising. The businesses are taking the route of digital marketing and video content has become a very crucial limb of the same. The growth of video content is revamping how digital content is consumed.

Of late, a newer trend is being witnessed. This trend is of- Live video streaming. It started as a fun element by social media users, essentially influencers, to share a snippet of their lives. However, with time, businesses started perceiving it as an opportunity that could be used for the better marketing and branding of their products. With the emergence of live video streaming platforms, businesses have started investing into the same to let the benefits pour in. While platforms have been helping individuals showcase their talents and broaden their fanbase, it is also offering businesses to collaborate with such talent base in order to widen the reach of their brands.

Here's How Live Video Streaming Platforms Are Amassing The Attention of Businesses:

  1. Helps Building a Community: The use of live video streaming platforms is still in a nascent stage and has a very limited number of businesses which truly understand its worth. However, those who are using it, have been able to reap multiple benefits. It often brings an array of customers closer to the brand, often leading to the formation of a community-like bond.
  2. Strengthens Social Media Visibility of the Business: As the digital world is swelling up, businesses are also geared up to go digital and enhance their digital visibility. Today, most of the consumers prefer checking about the brands online before actually buying them. In this scenario, it is really important for businesses to have a strong social media and digital presence. Live video streaming platforms help businesses in strengthening the same. As these live videos get shared over social media, more audience comes under the purview and the reach of the product widens.
  3. Makes Brands Reach to Younger Audience: No matter how much we deny, but youth forms the core of most of the businesses and youth cannot be tapped better than social media. They are glued to the technology via their smartphones or laptops and a business cannot grow without having them incorporated or without making the youth an integral part of their audience.
  4. Pocket-Friendly: Live video streaming platforms come as a saviour to those businesses which do not have a huge marketing budget. There are many companies which cannot spend millions to market and advertise themselves on television or radio. Platforms have emerged as a pocket-friendly mode of advertisement allowing brands to connect with millions without spending millions.
  5. Personalized Marketing: As oppose to traditional mainstream modes of marketing, live video streaming platforms have added a personal touch to marketing. This has helped in attracting more consumers as it helps in facilitating real as well as real-time engagement. For instance, the behind-the-scenes of any business is a very realistic glimpse and helps the audience form an instant connection with the brand.

The dynamic of branding and marketing is evolving constantly and a wise entrepreneur is one who knows to walk along the changing time. Live video streaming platforms surely holds a huge potential of reaching out to people and it is high time that we unleash the same. There can be no doubt to the fact that a few years down the lane, the world of digital marketing, especially brand marketing would be unimaginable without the option of live videos

Sudhanshu Rai

Brand Strategist and corporate consultant

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