Ahmad Raza
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Take a Break: How Vacations Can Save Your Business
It's good to work hard -- it's not good to work hard without giving yourself a chance to rest.
3 Ways the Work Environment Defines the Entrepreneur
How the people and things you surround yourself with can aid or hurt your chances of success.
Why a Purpose-Driven Mission Is Key to Motivating Millennials
Inspiring the youngest workers to achieve their full potential starts by shifting your mindset to build beautiful relationships.
A New Solution for Efficiently Recruiting Talent
Small and midsize businesses often find themselves in a pickle.
3 Alternatives Better Than Raising Startup Capital From the 3 F's
Of all the burdens a startup founder bears, none is heavier than knowing family, friends and fools who believed them have their savings on the line.
3 Moments Where President Obama Earned the Title of Great Communicator
Pay attention, entrepreneurs: These are great learning opportunities.
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