Al Lautenslager
Al Lautenslager is an award-winning marketing expert, bestselling author, highly sought-after speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur. He is the principal of Market For Profits, a Midwestern-based marketing consulting firm; former president and owner of The Ink Well, a direct marketing, printing, and a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach.
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Write Headlines That Make Your Customers Take Notice
Headlines are often the first thing customers read, and if they're boring, they'll move on faster than you can blink. Learn how to create attention-grabbing headlines.
How to Make Your Content Go Viral
One company's example can show you how to entice people to share your marketing message with others. Hint: Don't be boring!
Marketing 101: The Art of Storytelling
The ability to tell a tale is a priceless skill, especially in your marketing. Here's how to create stories that give your business top-of-mind awareness.
Make Your Marketing Message Stand Out on Social Media
Learn how to make your message stand out in the crowd by being fresh, relevant and interesting, and sharing and engaging with fellow community members.
13 Ways to Get Your Emails Noticed and Opened
You may have sent the best marketing message via email, but if no one opens it and reads it, what good have you done? Here's how to get those messages looked at by your prospective customers.
Create Content That Gets Your Customers' Attention
Content marketing dispenses content of all kinds, to all takers, all the time. What can you do to get your content noticed?
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