Anand Srinivasan: Page 2


Anand Srinivasan is the founder of Hubbion, a free-to-use project management tool for small and medium businesses. He is the author of How We Did It.

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Growing a Business

5 Lesser-Known Challenges of Running an Ecommerce Store

Problems in shipping, inventory management and taxes can sneak up on you.

Business Ideas

Why Mobile Won't Kill Desktop Ecommerce

Retail should continue to pay attention to both platforms.

Starting a Business

Where to Find Your Ideal Tech Co-Founder

A few, very lucky entrepreneurs have friends qualified to be their co-founder. For everybody else it's a little like arranged marriage.

Growing a Business

3 Steps to Get Prospects Coming Back to Your Website

It takes seven to 13 interactions with a potential customer to deliver a sales-ready lead. Here a few ways to keep engagement high.


4 Challenges That Marketplace Businesses Face, and How to Overcome Them

Ever hear of the 'chicken and egg' problem? Your marketplace business may be facing this challenge already.


How to Distribute Your Marketing Budget Between SEO and PPC

Depending on your industry and the age of your company will help determine how much to spend on organic reach vs. paid search.

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