Andrea Huspeni: Page 18


Andrea Huspeni is the former special projects director at and the founder of This Dog's Life.

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Latest: Page 18

Business News

How to Become a Technical Co-Founder on the Quick

A four-year computer science degree is so yesterday. These intensive programs can turn you into a developer in under 12 weeks.

Business News

Start-Up Chile: See Why Many Americans are Itching to Enter This Early-Stage Accelerator

With an attractive amount of capital, along with international connections, U.S. startups are turning to Chile to launch their venture.

Business News

A Guide to Matchmaking Sites for Co-Founders

Choosing a co-founder can make or break a startup. Check out these matchmaking websites to find the perfect one.

Business News

How Soko Is Looking to Empower Women Entrepreneurs Around the World

Three young women entrepreneurs are looking to disrupt the traditional export supply chain through a first-of-its-kind mobile marketplace for artisans.

Business News

AlleyNYC Founder on Running a Co-Working Space

For part of our co-working series, we chatted with Jason Saltzman of AlleyNYC on what it takes to run a co-working space.

Business News

Venture for America and Its Quest to Spread Entrepreneurship Beyond Silicon Valley

In an effort to expand entrepreneurship across the U.S. and provide some much needed jobs, this nonprofit is looking to the nation's college students.