Andrew Cohen
Andrew Cohen is the founder of Brainscape, a web and mobile education platform that helps people study more efficiently. Brainscape originally grew out of a personal project that Cohen created to help him improve his Spanish, while working in Panama for the World Bank. It later inspired him to seek a master's degree in instructional technology from Columbia University and transform his pet project into a fundable startup that can help people study any subject. Brainscape has since raised several million dollars from top venture capitalists.
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Don't Make This Huge Mistake on Your Financial Model
Investors are curious about projected expenses but your projected revenue is what will decide if they write a check or send you on your way.
5 Reasons Your Company Needs to be Metrics-Driven
After a certain point, a founder must move past "gut instincts" to understand the company's present and to plan its future.
8 Methods to Exercise Daily Without Really Trying
Don't be a gym rat for three months, then follow up with four months of sloth and busy-ness. Get at least some exercise every day.
5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get Ahead Over the Holidays
Ready for a break? Of course you're not. Keep yourself productive using the following strategies.
3 Reasons Why Snacks Are Superior to Social Media for Distracting Yourself
Once you've given up on lengthening your attention span you can focus on the more attainable goal of briefer distractions.
Should You Hire a Software Development Intern at Your Startup?
The chief recommendation here is 'proceed with caution.'
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