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Business News

Think Beyond the Mug: Personalized Gift Ideas for the Holidays

It's that time of year again — the holiday season is upon us all. From November to January, there are so many different holidays and celebrations. From religious observances to...

Business News

Ignite and Maintain Creative Energy in Digital Meetings

It's been more than three years since the virus raced through our meetings, upending the status quo. And the apple cart isn't going to change back. Many of us have...

Business News

How to Plan for a Work Holiday Party

A handful of holidays are approaching, so it's time for fun, seasonal activities! If you are planning a company holiday party, it can come with a lot of responsibility. To...

Business News

4 Ways Teams Can Plan for Holiday Time Off

In the modern business world, it's easy to let work time slip into off time. The advent of the pandemic encourages many businesses to try remote working. The expectation to...

Business News

7 Holiday Observances in November

Every month brings with it a series of observances. These are special occasions that may take place on a specific day or span up to a week or even more....

Business News

10 Annual Nationwide Activities to Mark on Your Calendar

Want to try or see something you've never done before? Looking to explore more of the rich culture of the United States? There are amazing events all over the U.S....