Arian Adeli
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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Stop Chasing Subscribers — Start Making Money With These Newsletter Hacks
Here's how operators profit from newsletters by turning acquisition costs into revenue and leveraging one audience to build multiple assets.
The Power of Bootstrapping — How to Build a Thriving Business Without Venture Capital
Here's how to bootstrap a resilient startup by balancing slow growth with early revenue, turning limitations into strengths and defining success on your own terms.
Resuelve el "dilema del huevo y la gallina": así es cómo las startups pueden prosperar contra todo pronóstico
Concéntrate primero en una parte de tu mercado, genera valor para vendedores o compradores, y el otro lado se dará de manera natural.
Crack the Chicken-and-Egg Dilemma — How Startups Can Thrive Against the Odds
Focus on one side of your marketplace first, build value for sellers or buyers and the other side will follow.
Por qué dejar ir el codiciado título de CEO es la mejor decisión para los líderes
La verdadera medida del éxito de un fundador no es su título, sino el impacto duradero de la empresa que ha creado.
Why Letting Go of the Coveted 'CEO' Role is the Best Move for Leaders
The true measure of a founder's success isn't their title — it's the enduring impact of the company they've created.
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