Beth Miller
Beth Armknecht Miller is a certified managerial coach and founder of Executive Velocity Inc., a boutique firm offering talent management and leadership development solutions. She chairs a monthly Atlanta meeting for Vistage, a company that hosts advisory meetings for small business CEOs. Her latest book is Are You Talent Obsessed?
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Managing the Unmanageable: The 6 Most Common Types of Difficult Employees
You've met these people as co-workers. But now that you're in charge, what do you do about them?
The 3 Nasty Little Secrets About Teams
Internal competition, poorly designed incentive systems and groupthink can derail your group quickly.
7 Ways to Sincerely Encourage Your Employees
Help them. Coach them. Thank them.
Decrease Your Stress by Letting Your Team Share the Weight
Those people you hired to work in your business? How about you start letting them do their jobs?
2 Roadblocks to Successful Leadership Transitions
A solid succession plan and a few ground rules are essential when selling your business.
Quarterly 1-1s Are a Waste of Time
In this world of rapid change, quarterly meetings aren't enough.
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