Brook Zimmatore: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Brook Zimmatore is a media and publishing technologist, entrepreneur and author. He specializes in building technology for people and publishers that improves the information provided in the media.

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Las noticias democratizadas son el futuro de mantenerse al día con los tiempos

El periodismo tal como lo conocemos se verá afectado: ¿será esta la mejor manera?

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Democratized News is the Future of Keeping Up With the Times

Journalism as we know it will be disrupted -- will this be the better way?

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Owning a Tesla Almost Killed Me

What would our world look like if we all relied completely on automation? We're getting too close to finding out.

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How Brands Deal With Online Haters, Trolls and Cancel Culture

Three ways to avoid getting canceled.

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Can I Sue for Defamation or Slander? Here's Your Answer

If you've been defamed to the detriment of your reputation, company or revenue, it could be very worth it to sue. But first, you must determine if you meet the criteria.

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