Cheryl Winokur Munk: Page 2


Cheryl Winokur Munk is a freelance writer and editor in West Orange, NJ. She is a former reporter for Dow Jones Newswires and American Banker where she covered the financial services industry. She earned a B.S. in journalism from Boston University.

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Money & Finance

Nervous Optimism About Capital Markets for Small Businesses in 2013

JOBS Act could give rise to additional IPOs in the New Year.


Franchises Expected to Outpace Other Industries in 2013 (Infographic)

The franchise industry experienced modest growth this year and despite economic uncertainty, expectations remain cautious but solid for the New Year.

Resumes & Interviewing

Small Businesses Hit Hardest by Superstorm Sandy While Overall Job Growth Rises

Unemployment edges down as November job growth fares better than expected.

Resumes & Interviewing

Small-Business Hiring, Sentiment Drops in November

Superstorm Sandy's damage and fiscal cliff fears are reflected in weaker small-business job numbers.


Inside What Small-Business Owners Had to Say to Obama About the Fiscal Cliff

Several small-business owners met with the president this week to discuss the possible fiscal cliff. We caught up with one entrepreneur to find out what they talked about.


Shoppers Spend $5.5 Billion on Small Business Saturday

Small-business owners say Black Friday and Cyber Monday did little for their bottom line, but Thanksgiving weekend sales still came in slightly better than expected.

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