Chip R. Bell


Chip R. Bell is a renowned keynote speaker and the author of several best-selling books including his newest, Sprinkles: Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service. He can be reached at

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Customers Don't Mind Waiting for a Superior Product

Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was much else that we consider valuable.


How to Deal With Your Rowdy Customers

Turn the wild energy of partying patrons into a positive with these five easy steps


Host a Big Event, and Watch Your Customer Base Grow

It's not all about online promotion. A fun and savvy customer-appreciation event in real life can still be just as powerful.


Sleigh Bells Ring. Are Your Cash Registers?

Here are three secrets to holiday success.

Growing a Business

3 Ways to Reveal the Hidden Causes of Customer Anxiety

Why do shoppers put bent cans of vegetables back on the grocery store shelf? Here are ways to to care for and protect subtle but vital service hygiene.


6 Points Along an Entrepreneur's Journey to Change Management

Culture change is filled with hazards. Can you overcome them?

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