Chris Penttila: Page 4


Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,

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Latest: Page 4


Time Out

Never enough time? Practice these simple time management techniques, and get your life back in control.

Business News

Bring On the Night

If your best work happens in the wee hours, you're not alone.


Time Out

Never enough time? Practice these simple time management techniques, and get your life back in control.

Growing a Business

It's Easy Being Green

There are more ways than ever for your business to save energy, money and the environment.

Growing a Business

5 Big Biz Think Tank Techniques

Larger companies are using innovation centers to encourage and implement new ideas. What can you learn from their tactics?

Growing a Business

Are You Suffering From Information Overload?

You have the data at your fingertips, so why is making business decisions so hard? It could be information overload.