Chris Penttila: Page 3


Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,

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Latest: Page 3

Business News

Do Something!

Frazzled employees are no good for business. Stop their stress before it starts.

Business News

Get Absorbed

Being acquired can be a very good thing for your business.

Business News

Compensating Overtime Employees

Here's why one entrepreneur hired on an HR person to take care of overtime pay.

Business News

Down to Earth

Ellyn Schoen sees obscene displays of wealth every day as founder of Baby J Catering, a New York City catering company that serves wealthy clients in Manhattan, the Hamptons and Greenwich, Connecticut.

Business News

Breaking the Fall

Is your industry in big trouble? Don't despair--just look for new ways to grow.

Business News

When Success Isn't Enough

Business is good, but it could be better. So get out of that rut and take it to the next level--here's how.