Company Partners


In short, Company Partners is a team of dedicated experts who have assisted over 20 000 South African businesses grow into legitimate companies since 2006. We offer over 120 different Company Services to legally register your new business and ensure you meet all the requirements of your Industry or Tender Application. The best part is that we also offer supporting services like Branding, Business Plans and Accounting Services. We are a complete 1-Stop-Shop for your new businesses.


Growth Strategies

How To Get A Tax Clearance Certificate In South Africa

This post is for you if you need a Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS. We explain everything you need to know about Tax Clearance Certificates in South Africa: from why you need one to apply for most Tenders, Contracts or RFQ's to how to get yours as quickly as possible.

Starting a Business

An Introduction To COID Registration And The Letter Of Good Standing

Company Partners is a leading COID Registration Service Provider in South Africa. They also assist Companies to obtain a Letter of Good Standing from COIDA.

Starting a Business

Register A Company In South Africa

With over 120 Start-up Services, Company Partners is the perfect Partner for Company, Tender and Contract compliance.