Dustin Lemick

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Dustin Lemick is the CEO of BriteCo, a leading insurance provider offering best-in-class jewelry and watch insurance. With 10+ years of insurance experience and a comprehensive background in retail jewelry, his expertise spans insurance operations, underwriting, and retail pricing models.

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Recursos Humanos

Cómo contratar a los empleados correctos que crecerán con tu empresa

Contratar y retener empleados a largo plazo se trata de encontrar personas que se alineen con la misión, cultura y valores de tu empresa, y que posean la mentalidad y la combinación de habilidades correctas.


How to Hire the Right Employees Who Will Grow With Your Company

Hiring and retaining long-term employees is about finding individuals who align with your company's mission, culture and values and possess the right combination of skills and mindset.


How to Spark Some Spontaneity in Your Hybrid Work Environment

Balancing hybrid work with spontaneous collaboration and personal connections is crucial for maintaining a vibrant workplace culture.


La sobrecarga tecnológica puede destruir la relación con tus clientes. ¿Eres culpable de usar demasiada tecnología?

Nadie puede negar el valor de la tecnología en nuestro mundo. Sin embargo, puede llegar a un punto en el que sea ineficaz y posiblemente contraproducente. Descubre cómo puede afectar negativamente a tu producto, marca y negocio.


Tech Overload Will Destroy Your Customer Relationships. Are You Guilty of Using Too Much Tech?

Technology's value in our world is undeniable. However, there can be a point where it is ineffective and possibly counterproductive. See where it can negatively impact your product, brand, and business.


Successful Leaders Don't Ignore These 6 Startup Strategies

The best entrepreneurs try to be radically honest, take personal responsibility and be transparent with themselves and their stakeholders.

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