Craig Cincotta: Page 2
Craig Cincotta serves as Senior Director of Marketing Communications for the Business Network and Applications Group at SAP.
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Latest: Page 2
3 Secret PR Weapons To Help Build Your Brand
Whether you are a business of five people or a Fortune 50 company, you need to know how tell your story the right way, at the right time, to the right people.
The 3 Traits Marathons and Startups Have in Common
To succeed at both, you have to have a will to win and follow these three P's.
10 Ways to Have Better Check-Ins With Your Employees
To ensure one-on-one meetings are productive, managers need to maximize their time while also providing information employees can use.
4 Signs Your Team Has What It Takes to Compete
No matter what industry you are in, there is one certainty every business needs to prepare for: competition.
Want Your Company to Get Ahead? Hire People Smarter Than You.
If you hire exceptional people, not only will your business thrives but so will you.
6 Ways to Make Sure Every Meeting Is a Productive One
When you think about your workweek it might be astonishing, frustrating and a tad depressing to calculate how much time you spend in bad meetings. Here is how to fix this problem.