Dan O'Shea: Page 3


Dan O'Shea is a Chicago-based writer who has been covering telecom, mobile and other high-tech topics for nearly 20 years.

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Latest: Page 3

Science & Technology

Pro on the Go

The Multi-Educator's Formulator Series is a collection of apps aimed at professionals in the architecture, electrical, waste management, building, engineer, HVAC and real estate segments.

Science & Technology

Fight the Power Cord

Alternatives to traditional battery chargers can make technology even more freeing.

Science & Technology

Build for One, Deploy to Many

A new platform opens things up for aspiring app developers.

Science & Technology

Small is Bigger Than Ever

Netbook popularity takes root in entrepreneurial firms.

Science & Technology

Fit to be Tethered

Mobile technology can relieve you from the Wi-Fi access charges dragging down your travel budget.

Science & Technology

Wi-Fi, Mano a Mano

Imagine a world where using Wi-Fi doesn't mean sacrificing security. It could happen.