Dan O'Shea: Page 3
Dan O'Shea is a Chicago-based writer who has been covering telecom, mobile and other high-tech topics for nearly 20 years.
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Latest: Page 3
Pro on the Go
The Multi-Educator's Formulator Series is a collection of apps aimed at professionals in the architecture, electrical, waste management, building, engineer, HVAC and real estate segments.
Fight the Power Cord
Alternatives to traditional battery chargers can make technology even more freeing.
Build for One, Deploy to Many
A new platform opens things up for aspiring app developers.
Small is Bigger Than Ever
Netbook popularity takes root in entrepreneurial firms.
Fit to be Tethered
Mobile technology can relieve you from the Wi-Fi access charges dragging down your travel budget.
Wi-Fi, Mano a Mano
Imagine a world where using Wi-Fi doesn't mean sacrificing security. It could happen.