Daniel Wesley


Daniel Wesley is a Florida-based entrepreneur whose degree is in nuclear medicine. His work has been featured in many distinguished publications, including Entrepreneur and Time magazine. He is currently the chief evangelist at Quote.com and founder of personal finance site CreditLoan.com.


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Resumes & Interviewing

Don't Hire Like Amazon: How to Hire Right and Avoid Layoffs

Hire sensibly at the earliest stages, and you could end up hitting major goals without overloading your team roster.

Starting a Business

Disrupting a Saturated Industry Sounds Crazy -- But It Just Might Work

The demand for futuristic, innovative brands is as high as the deck seemingly stacked against you when you attempt to upset the status quo.

Business Ideas

4 Tips for Launching a Successful Business From . . . Your Spare Room

Bootstrapping with existing resources is as American as Abe Lincoln's log cabin. If you're blazing an entrepreneurial trail, hit these four markers along the way.


4 Habits That Helped Me Spend More Time With My Family and Still Build a Successful Business From Scratch

These 4 techniques helped me achieve my vision of a careful balance between my business and personal life.


To Combat Burnout, Let Data Lead the Way

Evaluate your growth and implement necessary changes before your top-notch employees' sparkle turns into a disappointing fog.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Protect Your Top Talent From Recruiters, Mosquitoes and Other Things That Bite

Don't let employee burnout and underdevelopment leech the talent right out of your startup.

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