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Business News

Strategies to Live Cheaply and Thrive

Fewer than half of all Americans are “very satisfied” with how life is going in their personal lives, for just the third time in two decades, according to Gallup. Here's...

Business News

12 End-of-Year Teacher Gifts to Wow An Amazing Teacher

We're coming to the end of another school year. But if you want to start your summer vacation right, tell the teachers who helped shape your scholars' minds and shaped...

Business News

Live Fabulously on a Budget: Yes, It's Possible

Although he did not invent the phrase, one of my favorite expressions from my grandfather was “champagne taste on a beer budget.” If you are unfamiliar with this saying, it...

Business News

Leveraging Digital PR Services for Financial Professionals

Whether you're a seasoned financial advisor, a budding wealth manager, or part of an established investment firm, establishing a solid sense of trust with your clients and prospects is imperative...

Business News

The Financial Impact of Inefficient Training: How to Address Turnover, Quality, and Operational Output

Training is a key element of any successful business. Likewise, identifying and eliminating potentially inefficient training methods is also a necessity. In a world where technology is constantly rewriting the...

Business News

9 Fintech Innovators Helping Employers Retain Top Talent

As a business leader in this economy, you know that the best way to retain top talent is not to lose it in the first place. Anything you can do...