Derek Gehl
Derek Gehl is the CEO of the Internet Marketing Center, an internet marketing firm that has helped thousands of people learn to start and run their own online businesses. IMC hosts a new Search Marketing Lab Forum, where members have their strategy questions answered by search marketing specialists.
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Grab Customers With Long-Tail Keywords
Close the deal with motivated shoppers by helping them find exactly what they're looking for.
Top Secret: Get Your E-mail Opened
When it comes to e-mail marketing, it's all about the subject line. Make the most of yours.
Shopping Comparison Engines Will Boost Sales
Get your products to the top of search-engine listings with the help of these portal sites.
5 Steps to Customer Loyalty Surveys That Work
It's a great way to keep your business moving forward in any economy.
4 Steps to Assessing Your Product's Profit Potential
Is it a market or just a mirage?
3 Secrets to a Site that Sells
Put these tips in place to turn browsers into buyers.
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